The Blood Donors Association has sponsored the design and wrapping of two new caravans purchases by the Ministry of Health & Wellness.

The initiative came as a relief to the voluntary blood donors who prefer to donate blood in caravans instead of going to the Blood Bank or the regional hospitals.

The Managing Committee of the Blood Donors Association proposed to contribute towards the cost for the wrapping of both the caravans to make it more attractive to the blood donors as well as the public.



The offer was accepted by the Ministry of Health and Wellness after being shown the designs and mock-ups.

This project marks a turning point in our collaboration with the Ministry.

The launch of the bus wrapping was held at a special ceremony at the Municipal Council of Port Louis in December 2021.


Craving ice on a hot day is both normal and common. But if your craving is persistent, and seems unrelated to heat or thirst, it may be due to a nutritional deficiency.

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July 03, 2024